Avatar post

My avatar is supposed to be an image of me. There were not that many eyes or hair choices that match me so for the eyes I chose the wide eyes because it was the only one that looked right. For the hair, I chose the slightly spiked up and combed hair because I combed my hair but it still usually sticks up. I like to wear hoodies because I like how comfortable they are. It felt weird to make an avatar of myself because I was making it from memory of my face.

3 thoughts on “Avatar post

  1. I saw in your hobbies you like martial arts and video games, and I share the same interest. Although I don’t play a lot of games, I prefer RPG/horror games. Or both at the same time. Also, I used to attend the martial art of Kenpo, but stopped at blue belt over the summer. What genre of games do you enjoy, and what martial art do you enjoy the most?

  2. Dude. This is pretty epic. I agree with you in even the most preposterous of your statements. I suppose one could agree upon the fact that this is, truly, a “Bruh moment.”

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