Student Blogging Challenge reflection

I participated in 7 of the 8 weeks. Including this post, I wrote 15 posts over the 8 weeks. I have received 3 comments from people. I enjoyed week 6 the most because we got to make our own emoji and it was fun and easy. I used a website called Pixabay to add images without needing to credit the source. I never really liked this challenge, I always thought it was kind of boring. I do not think I will be posting on this blog again

Instrument post

A Trumpet is a brass instrument. It has three valves that you press down to play different notes. To play it you buzz your lips on the mouthpiece and sound comes out of it. After playing it for a while you need to empty the spit valves at the front of the instrument or else it won’t play right. A Trumpet can play very high notes but doesn’t play super low notes. overall the Trumpet is a very easy instrument to play.

My Playlist

This is the playlist that I would make for myself

  1. Kelpy G 6 hour loop
  2. Bruh sound effect #2
  3. Megalovania
  4. Giorno’s theme
  5. Russian national anthem

This five-song playlist might not look like much, but this playlist will last you approximately six and a half hours.

Copyright Laws

When your teacher asked you to make a presentation and you added images from Google, did you think that there were any rules to it? I didn’t but a few weeks ago I realized that it was illegal especially if you are using it for profit. It is called copyright. Copyright is when you take something that someone made and used it without their permission. Copyright can get you into trouble if you are not careful so when using and image you can use Pixabay, Unsplash, Pexels, Pics4learning, and Openclipart. These sites will let you choose photos without needing to credit the author. Copyright can get you into big trouble if you are not careful. If you are not sure, read more into what the website is and does.